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Discount Cards 2024

Wholesale Discount Cards for Discount Retailers - from, the leading wholesaler for quality Discount Greeting Cards. Available in both Seasonal and Everyday Discount Cards as well as in Spanish.  Español Dólar Tarjetas

InterGreet Discount Cards sell for an incredibly low price of 54 cents each (or $3.24 a packet of 6).
(These are not "cheap" cards but beautifully printed and cello-wrapped)

Our Discount Cards are far superior to the cheap cards offered by others. is proud that it's Discount cards are unquestionably the highest quality available and many of the designs are embossed, heat foil stamped or glitter. Unless requested, all our Discount cards are cello-wrapped which gives higher added value. Do not settle for anything less than quality. Your customers will thank you - again and again.

Call 888-600-9354 for full details or e-mail us your needs.  Orders over $500 will qualify for Free Shipping.

Standard Assortments are well-balanced with all the best selling titles included. However, we can customize any size assortment and include titles to suit your specific store. Minimum wholesale order for Discount cards is $125, which is about 39 packets of Cards. - the best wholesale Discounted Greeting Cards available on the market today!


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